Building contest for the Blitzkrieg III - Fall Gelb update!
With the update that will bring Holland, Belgium and France approaching fast we thought it was time for a new building contest. The contest starts today and end on January 10th at 12pm GMT. (Please keep in mind the winner will be picked a few days afterward)
The winner will be picked following these criteria:
1. Quality: How good the map looks. This is the most important one
2. Playability: How good the map is suited for gameplay
3. Historical accuracy: How accurate the map is to the history of that battle
1st: 1 free kitpack of your own choice
2nd: 2 free kits of your own choice
Runner ups*: 1 free kit of your own choice
Rules for the contest:
1. You can upload more than one map, but quality wins over quantity
2. Must be based of a real location. This means no alternative reality
3. The map must be 100% your work. That includes downloadable trees and brushes for worldpainter. If you are caught breaking this rule you will not be allowed to participate in more contests
4. Must be a battle where the Dutch, Belgians and/or French fought.
*Runner up rewards are only given to those who we deem put effort into their map, in addition to building quality being usable