Hello everyone!
Hello Call to Battle community, I'm excited to announce a new update, the Volkssturm update! But before I get to the good stuff, some not so exciting news:
Hey guys! Call to Battle v1.7 is now out and will be announced to everyone very soon. Not only does it bring some more troop transport variants(with Canvas Tops), we've switched server hosts.
Fund Goal Update
Hey guys! As you probably know, version 1.6 is out, bringing Troop Transports to Call to Battle. These are trucks like the Opel Blitz that have a lot of seats for soldiers to occupy and be transported to the battlefield!
I've been updating many of the old kit images on the website!(And in game)
But that's not what this blog post is about. It's about something else... community servers!
Andesite, andesite everywhere. But not a drop to drink.
Or so it seems.
Isn't polished andesite a truly remarkable block?
Hey everyone, Beardie here! We're releasing a sizable update this week, 6.2.
This update brings a lot of remodels and a couple new items. A lot of the focus was Greece, the classes have been reworked and many of the remodels are Greek Rifles.
Hello again! 6.0 progress has been moving steadily and until we release, I'd like to take some time to discuss more uniform changes. This time around we aren't talking about the Germans, their changes are in our previous blog, but instead some new/redone kit uniforms plus misc.