Hello Call to Battle community, I'm excited to announce a new update, the Volkssturm update! But before I get to the good stuff, some not so exciting news:
Server Downtime
Our server host is doing some migrations on Friday which will result in some downtime. The IP will also change. But the latest update will change the IP in the main menu automatically during the downtime, so as soon as the server is back up it also should be correctly connected to the new IP!
New Items
This update reworks all of the Volkssturm classes. All of them are filled to the brim with unlocks. This includes some new items!
Rifleman is receiving the "Kriegsmodell" version of the Kar98, a late war version that is simplified, cutting out a lot of features to be easier to produce.
Volkssturm Technician is receiving the "Geha", an interwar civilian bolt-action shotgun. These were made as a conversion of surplus Gewehr 98 rifles that would otherwise have to be disposed of due to the Treaty of Versailles. It's capacity is not as high as you would expect from a bolt-action, only holding two rounds. A perfect oddball weapon for the Volkssturm!
In addition to this, Connor's remodels of the German Kar98 family of rifles are being released in this update. This includes the Gewehr 98.
New Reward for Supporters
I've also added a new free kit for owners of the Downed Pilots kit pack: A Luftwaffe Pilot! As suggested by August and others, this kit contains the M30 Luftwaffe Drilling, the triple barreled shotgun rifle combination weapon.
I actually planned this kit years ago, even made a M30 Drilling. But the old model did not fit current standards, I made a new one using the current double barrel as a base. The old M30 Drilling was postponed and eventually scrapped because it was buggy on servers and because I wasn't ready to make the other kits in a pack to go with it. (It was briefly released by accident though haha!)
Now it is released as a thank you to those who helped moved vehicles forward. I hope you enjoy it! :)
That's not all! I've also been improving older kits that were lacking. I've been doing a lot of that this year, as you may remember with my upgrades to the Finnish and Japanese Elite Soldiers, American Gas Troop, and others.
The first target this time is the U.S. AA Kit. Originally it had only a AA variant of the BAR, which amounted to little more than an extended mag, no bipod, and different sights. It's not being replaced, you can still access the AA BAR, it's what you paid for after all!
But I wanted to reward long term supporters with something more unique: The AN/M2 'Stinger'! These were field conversions made from the AN/M2 aircraft gun combined with an M1 Garand stock and the bipod and carrying handle of a BAR. (So ironically, this new weapon still has BAR parts and is aircraft related!)
I'll need to adjust the model a bit later as I started with the wrong browning, but overall I am happy with how it turned out:
Most supporters already know this, I've also remodeled the Winchester Model 70! The new scope looks fantastic and I know some of you are quite happy about this. I was always disappointed with this kit because of the model... not anymore!
For those that have already seen this, it is a bit different than you saw. I accidentally forgot to apply the new texture in the last screenshot haha.
I hope you all enjoy the new Volkssturm update! :)