Not only did the FG-42s receive beautiful new models courtesy of AngryLoyer, the "G" variant will now be available in Fallschirmjager crates on maps taking place after 1942. This applies whether or not you have the kit, that way this extremely unique weapon will also add uniqueness to the Fallschirmjager class.
We also plan to hide it in battlefield pickups in future updates. =)
You may notice that there are currently no post-1942 Fallschirmjager maps.... that's about to change in 5.8. Stay tuned! Another blog post detailing a new gamemode that will further use paratroopers will be posted soon.
(Note: The "G" Variant was always just a freebie in the kit, because ACLL decided to model both. Rather than leave it as a hidden weapon, we decided to make it available for kit owners until we had a use for it. It is still only available in the class for kit owners.)