Hey guys! I hope you have enjoyed the recent updates.
I did another update this week, but it's to a map so you don't need to download anything. What I did is add vehicles to Ortona so that there is another map to experience the Universal Carrier on. And as you can see in the screenshot... another Universal Carrier variant is coming soon!
There are also some other really exciting features coming really soon too... that will surprise many of you. :)
There's a couple other things I'd like to mention too. In the past we used to reward people with kits for maps, a sort of "bounty system". I was thinking, why not extend that to models?
Specifically, vehicle models. While I have always been able to accomplish main goals, there are often secondary "nice to have" things that don't happen. For example, less important vehicles that I don't plan on modelling, but I'd still like to add if a model already existed.
Do you have any modelling experience? Even if it's just something basic like blockbench, any modeling experience often results in learning how to make CtB style models a lot quicker. If you are interested, DM me!
Important Note: This would be a bounty system, fulfilling specific requests. Anything modeled outside the requests will not be rewarded and might not be added. This is because a lot more work goes into adding content than just models.
Fund Goals Status
First off, I wanted to let you all know I cancelled the Franco-Prussian war expansion and refunded those who donated. This was around the holidays, I was very stressed out at the time and was concerned trying to meet expectations would be too much. But I acted in haste and did not give myself time to think about it more clearly.
I was also unsure whether it was something people actually wanted, which also led to my hasty decision. But now I realize it's definitely something I could have handled, I was just overwhelmed at the time. If it is something you guys were excited about, let me know and I'll put it back as a fund goal. Either way, I apologize for all this back and forth.
Anyways, there are two new fund goals, French Assault and Spotting!
Next update
Aside from the AT variant of the Universal Carrier, there will be some other vehicles in the next update as well as other goodies that will remain a secret for now.
We are also getting a great remodel of the TT-33 by AngryLoyer!!
That's all for now, stay tuned!